Java Management Extension 4 Open Distributed Processing

_updated: 11:11:09       _version: 0.3.3

    JMX4ODP utilizes open technologies to create an "out of the box" management solutions. You can set up simple management scenarios with some basic configuration right from unzipping. Or, you can extended it with your own classes to create powerful, custom solutions.

  • Our application has so many components/services, that when something goes wrong it takes us forever to isolate the problem.

      Use your existing JUnit tests to check components. Use the JUnit tests included with JMX4ODP to test standard services: JDBC, HTTP, and EJBs. JMX4ODP will run these tests in your JMX agent and send off events. Use the include event listeners to automate emails and response to failure events. Or create your own listeners to enforce custom behavior.

  • I wish I could see/set attributes in my production evironment (aka, not have to restart my application to reload a properties file)

      Use the dynamic management package to instantly create management proxies for your EJBs just by pointing it to your JNDI tree.

  • Our configuration changes so much, that we can't have management system.

      Use the J4ONet P2P system to discover your production environment configuration in real-time so that your management automatically keeps up with your deployment.
  • Dynamically create MBeans using introspection.
  • Discover JMX objects and services using a hierarchical discovery service.
  • Use your JUnit tests to test your live system for faults.
  • Send out email alerts for system events.

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