Chain of Responsibility:
Complexity: The system might
employ multiple strategies to handle a problem, but you don't
want to have a single do it all object.
Extensibility: New strategies
might be added to the system after initial development. Need a
straight forward way to add these to the system.
Coupling: As strategies are
changed, removed, or added; you want to isolate the system from
these changes.
The Chain of Responsibility pattern has several
components. A Client makes a request to a Handler. This Handler
does not actually handle the request, but instead delegates the
responsibility for handling the request to one or more Concrete
Handlers. These Concrete Handlers might delegate their
responsibilities, and so on, and so on. This main Handler
manages these sub-handlers. It contains strategies to determine
which Concrete Handlers should handle the Client's requests. It
acts as a single point to add Concrete Handlers. The Concrete
Handlers agree by contract to an interface, so no link up the
chain knows how the links down the chain work. This reduces
Complexity: Need a way that
the entire system is accessing a single state, i.e.
The singleton pattern ensures a class
has only one instance and provide a global point of access to
it. This is the essence of registration systems like JNDI. The
entire system sees a single directory that contains references
to single objects that entire system shares.
This acts as the first link in
the Chain of Responsibility. It handles requests to discover
MBeans and Agents. It aggregates Concrete Handlers that do the
actual resolving of the JMX services. It should accept
resolving requests and return their locations via a token.
This is the contract by which the
JsRegistryManager agrees to work with the RegistryManager's
sub-handlers. It contains the core interface and common logic
for children handlers.
This is a singleton to cache the
location of discovered services. As services are discovered by
the JsRegistryManager, they are cached in this object.
This sub-handler looks for
services in the LAN. It sends off a UDP ping that will be
answered by a working J4ONet. If the J4ONet finds a
matching service in its local agent, it will respond with a UDP
packet that the BroadcastRequestResolver will translate into a
found service.
This is another singleton. It
contains the configuration information for the local agent. It
contains a socket that listens for BroadcastRequestResolver
requests. When the JsRegistryManager responds to a resolving
requests, it will use this object find out about the local
This is a thread that is spawned
in the J4ONet to handle the BroadcastRequestResolver
request UDP packets. It will use the JsRegistryManager to
handle resolution.
The diagram shows the JsRegistryManager aggregating
multiple components. This does not mean that the JsRegistry
holds hard references to these objects. All of these objects
will be MBeans registered with the local agent. The
JsRegistryManager will use the local agent to reference these