J4ONet Engineering Viewpoint Analysis

The engineering viewpoint will be sparse for J4ONet, because the engineering viewpoint is concerned with deployment of a system. J4ONet is a framework for implementing a distributed JMX solution, thus deployment is not determined in this phase of development. However, the shape and design of J4ONet make certain directions more obvious or likely than others.

JMX4ODP deployment will obvious include some sort of JMX and Java technology. How these technologies are deployed is not an issue for JMX4ODP.

MC Java (Java as a Wrapper)

JMX4ODP is a JMX framework. JMX is the Java Management Extension. However, this does not limit the system to managing only Java based applications. One of the focuses of J2EE is the concept of using Java as a unifying wrapper technology. The idea is that many large enterprise systems were not built in a single iteration, but instead grew and evolved over many iterations. Sub-systems were phased out and new components added in. Enterprise systems usually have several generations of technology operating simultaneously. They usually have their ghettos, suburbs, mass transit systems, urban renewals, and infrastructure problems. Enterprise systems end up resembling major cities in their patchwork assembly. Numerous forces, people, and politics shape such systems over the years of their operation. These systems are seldom retired, but instead are modified over and over again to meet the needs of the current user populous.

To be a true enterprise solution, J2EE had to deal with the way that real enterprise systems are grown. Rarely will an organization replace an entire system with a pure Java solution. Much more likely is that you will see an organization augment a currents system with Java components. As time goes on you will see more and more Java technology integrate into the system and replace legacy code, especially the archaic, esoteric, or impossible to maintain pieces. But the mainframe, or master database, or built-just-for-us proprietary box will never be replaced. Using JNI or network services, it is a common design to use a light-weight Java wrapper to make these components accessible to the whole system.

For example, several network services of a mainframe application can be wrapped in a light-weight object. Now this object can be accessed by EJB's, embedded into a Servlet or JSP, managed by JMX, made to operate via Message Oriented Middleware via JMS, accessed via a portable swing client, throw events to a unified event model, or log via Log4J. In other words, Java can act as an abstraction layer that shields the proprietary/legacy aspects of a system. Newer technologies have a unified layer to plug into. Older technologies don't need to be retrofitted every time something is changed. Java can act as an infrastructure that is flexible enough to insulate sub-systems from the evolution of the whole system.

So despite the fact that this is a Java based project, it can be used in all sorts of systems: legacy, enterprise, pure Java, windows, UNIX, client side, server side, Internet, LAN, etc.


The Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a wrapper based architecture for making objects manageable. Large systems usually involve many sub-systems that each come with their own management complexities: configurations, monitoring, events, logging, etc. This becomes especially apparent in systems that have evolved over time, or that span across a network. Evolved systems usually employ a multitude of management systems and techniques. As pieces are added, they used whatever was available at the time. Some parts use configuration flat-files, other read XML from a database, some might start a web server to listen for commands, others use a proprietary client. Then security might be added haphazardly as possible. Systems that span a network involve keeping track of multiple configurations, multiple points of access and control. Now systems that have evolved to span a network have all of these issues and more. This is where JMX comes in.

JMX is usually implemented in one of two ways, as the a core part of the application, or as icing on the cake. These are the sort of deployments that JMX4ODP will be used in.

    JMX as Core:

    Some applications, like JBoss for example, started with the idea of being managed by JMX from the beginning. The developers quickly realized that JMX could be more that just a peripheral system for management, it could be used to create a highly flexible system that was based on management. A JMX agent acted like an application kernel, and managed components are added to the agent to add functionality to the application. Thus for something like JBoss, the user could make it as large and feature rich or as small and compact as he needs at deployment time by editing a configuration file. In such systems the architecture of the application becomes manageable, as well as the operation of the application.

    JMX as Icing:

    More commonly, JMX is added to an already existing application as a management layer. Several sub-systems made from different technology all need to access some common configuration data, or need unified control. JMX wrappers can make these object all access a single configuration bean. A control bean can throw an event that multiple wrapper objects will listen for. Thus a large enterprise system can be retrofitted to be managed by SMTP, HTTP, or such.