One of the time consuming tasks of implementing JMX support for an entire system
is making (or retrofitting) all of your components and services with the proper JMX
interfaces and proxies. The core of the dynamicManagement package is the ObjectIntrospector,
which can automatically create JMX interfaces for any object.
Making a component available to your JMX agent is as easy as adding:
The above code will grab the local JMX agent, introspect the current class and make a JMX
management bean that can access it, then register the new management bean with the
local JMX agent.
In some cases, that can require too much planning. You can also manage components
that have already been deployed. It can manage your property files.
The SimpleJndiManager can be pointed to a JNDI tree.
It will fetch references to all the registered objects and create MBeans that you can
access via a local webserver. Now you can access every attribute and function in all of
the EJB's and other JNDI registered components deployed in your application.
In a large system, just keeping track of where everything is running can be a challenge,
or impossible. J4ONet handles the grunt work for this: it can discover objects anywhere on
your network and make proxies to them so that they will also look like they are local object.
J4ONet can look up JMX enabled objects by:
But wait! There's more! J4ONet can limit your search by:
- Server Rating
- Server Domain
- Heirarchical Namespace.
How does it discover these JMX object? Anywhere on the network?!? J4ONet will use any
object that implements the MBeanResolver interface and is set to active. By default, J4ONet
will start a resolver that will use UDP broadcast to find objects throughout the network.
You can easy add your own to do discovery via JNDI, LDAP, JNDI or whatever.
Once you find an object, use the ProxyManager to create a proxy which acts like a local object.
Thus J4Onet can allow you to manage all the objects in your network as if they were in a single
Who doesn't want Star Trek style instant self diagnosis computers? The diagnostic package
included with JMX4ODP uses Junit tests to diagnose the state of your system. You can use your
development tests to check if your components are working the way they should. JMX4ODP uses Junit
test to check common services including HTTP, EJB's, and JDBC. You can create simple XML
configurations for your testing plans.
When tests fail, JMX4ODP can send out events to any objects that register. JMX4ODP includes an
example event handler that will send out an email upon failure events. You can use this to automate
your own recovery components.