Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing
(ISO/IEC DIS 10746-1:1995, or RM-ODP) provides a framework to
understand and develop distributed processing in heterogeneous
environments. It identifies the important properties of open
distributed systems as openness, integration, flexibility,
modularity, federation, manageability, provision of quality of
service, security and transparency (from the point of view of the
That isn't the clearest definition, but it
is pretty accurate. RM-ODP is a dense concept, like Object
Orientation. To get more detailed accounts of what RM-ODP is
about, you can check out these resources:
RM-ODP defines five viewpoints as necessary for fully
defining ODP systems. You can think about these viewpoints like
those old anatomy books with the picture of the body's different
systems printed on plastic layers. The bottom page was an outline
of the body; then you can lay on the skeleton, organs, the
nervous system, the circulatory system, then the muscles. No
layer is more important than the others, all are necessary. The
muscles need the skeleton for a foundation, but the skeleton
needs the muscles to stay together.
For a while, you could
look at each layer separately. Soon you discovered that you could
look at a couple of systems together for highly complimentary
views: nervous and circulatory systems, skeleton and muscles,
The RM-ODP viewpoints are the same. Each one is
necessary and brings a complimentary set of concerns,
requirements, objectives, and perspectives to the table:
ENTERPRISE: also called the Global viewpoint
takes the perspective of a business model. This viewpoint should
be understandable by the stakeholders of the system. In UML
terms, this viewpoint correlates to use cases; explaining what a
system should be able to do, what it will be used for, who will
use it, etc.
INFORMATION: refers to the
information in the system and the the information about the
system, or its behavior. This viewpoint explains the data model
in the system: what the system needs to know and to remember. It
also explains the rules to be followed by the system: policies
specified by the stakeholders, how things work together, rules
for allowable change in state, things that must always be true
(invariants), and quality attributes.
viewpoint partitions the systems into functional modules. This
viewpoint is concerened with how the system assembles from an
Object Oriented standpoint, taking the perspective of a designer
of application components and program interfaces. This viewpoint
corresponds to the UML logical model.
exposes the distributed nature of the system. This viewpoint
contains information on how the components from the computational
viewpoint are implemented.
viewpoint describes the where to apply technologies to implement
the system, and the technologies of choice. This viewpoint maps
the components described in the computational viewpoint
(interfaces, api's, objects) to the technologies to implement the
engineering viewpoint. The viewpoint is responsible for insuring
that the choices conform with the requirements of the system.
In design pattern terms, these viewpoints help deal with
the forces of a Open Distributed Processing system. ODP system
have opperate in a different set of environments and constraints
than traditional systems:
Local: Traditional
systems know where they are located, where they are installed.
An ODP system can be distributed across a single machine, a
cluster, a LAN, or across the whole Intranet. It can make no
assumptions about its location.
Mobility: A component
might not even be located where it started. ODP components may
migrate machines during its lifetime.
Global State:
Traditional systems can count on having a global state, like a
single system clock. ODP system don't have a similar guarantee.
Concurrency: The lack
of global state, also means that there is a lack of concurrency
in ODP systems. ODP systems require some sort of coordination to
control simultaneous events that require concurrency.
Quality of Service/Failure:
Traditional systems are usually built in reliable systems. A
server is either up or down. But an ODP system could utilize
resources spread across systems. One file server may be down
while its redundant unit may be up. ODP systems may experience a
lesser service level when components fail or become unreliable,
but they should not simply go down. Think of a RAID system.
Heterogeneity: And ODP
system may be made up of many different technologies that are
joined using standard protocols.
Evolution: During the
life time of a system, components may migrate machines,
sub-systems may fail, technologies may be replaced by different
technologies, machines added or upgraded. Large systems are
rarely fully replaced. Usually pieces are upgraded on at a time.
Like a city. It would be unfeasible to replace an entire city at
once. Instead new pieces are added while older parts are
Scale: Traditional systems scale along with their
host machine. ODP systems can scale along many different paths
and reach literally the scale of the Intranet.